
The community of TwoInchBrush.com is growing, and it is about time we get our own forum!

We've had great discussions and some fantastic tips on your uploaded content. And we don't want to lose these wonderful resources to the depths of the internet. Which is why I added this forum.

We're starting with only a handful of sub forums and see how this will work out. If we need more I'll add some, if we have to much I'll remove some. Let me know what you think!

I'm currently still working on some things regarding the forum, like a better integration of the login-system or shared notifications with the main site. If you notice any bugs or errors or have other suggestions please open a new discussion on the TwoInchBrush-subforum. (If the error is that you can't post here shoot me a message at paintings@twoinchbrush.com)

Before posting please read the forum rules and maybe introduce yourself to your fellow painters. 😊

Thank you Felix, this is great! I expect this will be an invaluable resource for the TwoInchBrush community!

Hi.Im pretty green to the sight.I have been loving the whole experience and look forward to painting and including my work in any new formats you folks are putting together.I hope to add some color and spirit in Bob's memory..Grazie.Pietro

    Love this site Felix! Thank you for allowing me to be a part of this community!!

      Thanks Felix, this is great!
      I am happy to be here!

        Hi everyone. This is a wonderful initiative, Felix. It will be nice to have an area on the website where we can discuss certain painting-related topics. Thanks for putting this together!

          Thanks Felix for the Forum, I think it will enhance discussions! All people here are very creative and have a lot to share!

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