I ran into this same issue before I purchased the "full set". I tried buying some cheap oils at my local art store: this was a disaster, they were pretty runny. I read a blog post on here about using cardboard to dry out especially wet paint, and that helps when using the cheaper paint. What I mostly ended up doing though, while waiting for the rest of my paints to arrive, was to watch the beginning of an episode I wanted to try, and I'd write down all the paints. That was before I discovered this site. Thanks to @Felix though, all that work is done. So my best suggestion to you would be to take a look through the earlier seasons and find ones that use the colors you do have. For me, I found that the dark winter scenes that only used four or so colors were the easiest to start with. I am very much a novice though, never taken any type of art class, and am only learning now by painting along with Bob, so if you've got some experience feel free to take my thoughts with a grain of salt. This is what worked for me as a major noob who didn't even know there was a big difference between oil or acrylic or what the heck a primed canvas was. Best of luck and can't wait to see what you create!