Thanks everyone, for the conversation. I have discovered many things over these last weeks. One, if I slow down, I don't get as messy! Not having the laptop running while I paint has slowed me down too, another good thing. Understanding that Bob only had 27-minutes when I have two hours, took a while to sink in. Visualize what I want in my head as opposed to copy what I see Bob doing.
Going slower, I'm not using as much paper towel. I did switch to blue, and I like to wipe the brushes dry, which helps me slow down also. I'm up to four each of the 1" and 2" so I don't need to wash as much, thanks to some "great" sales. I've read and seen many tips, like wiping a brush between taps. Even my fan brush can get "clumpy."
I'm certain I see Bob beat the devil out of his brush and then wipe it along his blue jeans! It seems Bob does wipe his brushes on a paper towel, but he only uses one sheet of paper towel per painting?. The only time it seems Bob gets paint on his hands is when he touched the canvas to show me how much liquid white.
It seems to come with time and practice though, so I find all this satisfying and fun and wonderful. Thanks again.