What a great idea to use! Thank you!
i also found another method for transferring. Just thought I would share. I have a cheap ez tracer artograph projector I picked up from a hobby store for about 40 last year.
you can freeze your iPhone if you use one. I’m sure this capability is out there for other phones. If you have an image you want to trace on your phone you can freeze your phone, trace the image by laying thin paper over your phone as you trace. Then take the image you traced and place it under the projector. Project the image onto your canvas (two to three feet away with mine) then using carbon pencil either black or white depending on the canvas, trace over the outlines you created. Use a fixitive spray when done so the pencil lines don’t bleed when you paint. Then you are all set.
I Imagine there are all sorts of ways to transfer images and will use them as I learn but for now this is my non-tech cheap way to go 🙂. I also like your idea of laying the outline paper over the gessoed canvas. I suspect I will use that as well.
to freeze your iPhone on an image go to settings, accessibility, guided access and then put in a password. When you pull up the image you want to freeze on your phone so it doesn’t move as you trace, click the home button three times. It will ask for your password and then you can trace.
hope that helps
thank you so much for your help!