"Exclusive Member of Mediavine Home" and I cannot get into the uploaded painting.Im sure none else can?Does anyone know why this is happening?Any info would be appreciated.thanks.Pietro
Hello Friends.I noticed on a few occasions Im getting this message(
Pietro1963 hi pietro!
Can you tell me when exactly you see this message? Then I can try to fix it
Mille Grazie!
Can you post a screenshot?
Felix Hey felix..I see it on several uploads over time.More recent on a charcoal drawing."Kiss of an angel"Thanks for your help.P
Felix Hi..Sorry..That was "An Angel's kiss.LOL
Lilikins Lilli..Click on my "An Angels kiss" you'll see the message.
Oh I see what you mean! Your painting is so exclusive only the select few can view it closely! I did see a comment on there. It must have been working properly at some point. Or whoever commented is a super special exclusive person.
Pietro1963 thanks! I'll see what I can do
lili..u funny..Yes it was fine initially and after first comment it showed that message ..no comments permitted there after..Its happened few times w others.Cheers.P