Just starting my journey into the world of wet on wet painting. My only experience is with painting scale miniature busts (mainly with acrylics). I do have all the Bob Ross tools along with a couple hundred smaller brushes that I use when painting miniatures. I have all the Bob Ross landscape paints and several of the soft BR paints. Along the way, I also have accumulated about 250 tubes of various oil paints by Da Vinci, Gamlin, Grumbacher, Lukas 1862, Sennelier, Soho Urban, Winsor & Newton, and WN Winton. So how did I get here?
Back in 2007ish, I bought my dad the Bob Ross Master Painting set and a bunch of brushes for Christmas. Unfortunately he never got around to using the set before he passed in 2010. Dad gave me the set back before he passed and made me promise to try it out at some point. Well, here we are 12 years later, and I broke out the set and I am going to give this a shot.