Dear friends,
would you help please with your advice?
I need to prepare thickened and stand linseed oils myself. I found two recipes online for that. Made from grocery store linseed oil.
#1. pour linseed oil into open container 1 inch deep, close with glass but let air flow in to start polimerization, wait 10-15 days on sun to the desired thickness and ready to go.
#2. fill big glass jar with linseed oil , add same amount of very clean water; mix like a cocktail; let sit for 3-4 months at sun and it will bleach. Recommended time was 2 years for bleaching.
I wonder if someone did a similar process or found some other recipes to share and how it worked.
Also do you know if poppy or safflower or walnut oils can be bought outside of artistic stores? (For places without art supplies stores).
thanks for help!