Hello everyone! I’ve been away for awhile due to moving to a new house and changing jobs but life has finally settled enough for me to come back to this wonderful site. Hopefully in the next few months I’ll get back in to painting once we finally unpack all these boxes!
What mediums have you all tried and what is your favorite?
I will start: acrylic and watercolor. I used to hate acrylic due to the quick drying time but I grew to love that trait. It means that if I’m not happy with something I can just wait 5 minutes and change it again and again and again. My version of the girl with the pearl earring easily went through 20 nose jobs. I love the look of watercolors but it does require a measure of patience and the ability to let things go since the paper can’t constant fiddling and corrections. Once all my painting things are unpacked I’d like to try again - maybe with a glass or 3 of wine so my impatience won’t get the better of me 😄
We had an event a while back that encouraged everyone to try a different medium than they usually chose and I think it’s important to remember that you don’t have to stick with oils to create bobs work. Each medium has its own unique traits and trying out different things is part of the joy of painting.