So I'm working on learning to do better florals and the pair of artists I'm starting to watch recommended an expanded palette of colors compared to what I currently use. And some of the colors are not readily available in my normal go to brands of Gamblin or Winton. So I ended up with Rembrandt which costs 1/3 to 1/2 more vs the other two brands. But, OMG.. the creamy differences and pigmentation opacity. I think I'm love 😃 Straight out of the tube to dry gesso'ed canvas and what a difference between the feel of the paint. I can't wait till this weekend when I can really dig into the paint and give it a solid try. I think they would be too "wet" for the normal BR style of painting but I might be wrong.. The artists I'm starting to watch were part of the BR era and use some of the techniques but not all of them. Jenkins is the name.. And found them on Youtube but also read about them in an Daily Beast article about BR history...