This month we're going to get inspiration from some world famous pieces of art.

The event will be running from today (March. 21, 2021) until May. 2, 2021. You can submit a painting until Sunday the 25th of April.

Link to the event page:
This thread is for discussion about the event. Have fun!

    Oh how exciting! I can’t wait to see what people come up with and what paintings they choose. I hope I will have time to participate!

      I love the idea. Hope I'll have time to participate....

        Felix lol I will find a way to make time! Painting is my happy place. I do appreciate the extended event length. It’s nice when you can take your time on a project πŸ˜ƒ

          Oh @Felix! this is a tough challenge! A lot of thinking and even more than usual hard work will be here!

            Great idea for a challenge. I'll really try to participate in this one. I've already begun looking at more well-known paintings. If anything, this is giving me the chance to better educate myself. Because of the first uploaded contribution, I've discovered the artwork of Caspar David Friedrich more in depth. I'm thinking I might try one of his.

            I was googling entire evening yesterday to find something to attempt to is a difficult task to select the One. Luckily I started one more Aivazovsky seascape day before yesterday, unluckily I got stuck as I did not research original enough...I still hope I will finish that one, and if time permits I will try something more impressionistic for the Event.

              just from the uploads I've seen now this is probably my favorite event yet!

                8 days later

                There are such wonderful paintings posted already, I do not dare to comment as each of them is fantastic and each of them gave a lot of knowledge to ones who dared to participate! πŸ‘¨β€πŸŽ¨πŸ–ŒπŸ‘©β€πŸŽ¨

                  19 days later

                  15 paintings submitted and 4 more days to go!

                  If anyone needs an extension to finish their submission let me know and I'll move the deadline back a little πŸ™‚

                  Felix Dear Felix, currently still working on mine, hope to be ready before Friday, else I will let you know, thanks!

                    9 days later

                    Felix congratulations to the winners! Congratulations to all participants! This was incredible event with all the beautiful paintings with a lot of knowledge acquired while working on the everyone’s own versions! πŸŽ‰πŸΎ

                      Oh wow! I had the worst day at work so it’s so nice to come home to wonderful news.

                      Congrats to all the participants! This was my favorite event so far. Excellent idea! It was so nice seeing renditions of paintings I already loved, and then learning about new artists and their work.

                      Well done to the winners...but why three winners and not 3rd, 2nd &1st ?