@Voy Kay#1592 thanks! A stream is everything smaller than a river. So everything that gets painted with individual strokes I'd say

    Felix Conifer is right, Bob uses "evergreen" whenever he means a pine tree, though there are many evergreen species not remotely related to pines.

    Now, there are a few ambiguous trees. I'm specifically thinking of the whimsical spindly trees with leaves or needles that spray up. I tend to think of them as some sort of redwood or cedar, but I don't recall if Bob ever names the one or other variety.

      Might be an idea to add "farm" to the landscape category. Just my two cents worth. Hope it helps!

        i think it is great, if you cant find what you are looking for you should be doing something else!
        question, once users are able to populate the db with your options are you preventing the updating of the db if 2 users are both working on the same painting? as usual you are doing a great job.

          BStonebridge Thanks!

          At first, I will just collect suggestions from different users and consolidate them in the next step. I'll most likely go through all of the paintings by hand then, automatically preselect the most suggested tags and finalize the selection

            The tagging page is now back online.

            As always, if you have any suggestions or problems feel free to post them here. Thanks to everyone for helping out! 🙂

            More features like tagging specific paintings, challenge badges and such are coming soon. (Or a little bit later, depending on the weather 😉 )

              how do you get the feature to work, where is the launch point to get started??

              i think i got it, see the tag instructions, appears you are controlling what painting pops up, good idea, great job as usual

              Felix Hi when a search of BR paintings is done and the key word is SPRNIG and lets say 50 paintings are displayed, what is the sequence of the painting you are providing. Thanks

                BStonebridge It will probably in chronological order unless anyone has an alternative suggestion?

                  Could you maybe add a link on each painting in the /painting/ sub directory (so all of the episode paintings) that would allow us to tag directly from there?

                  Maybe a link below the picture but above the video link? or to the right of the "view all deals" hyperlink below the lsit of needed colors

                    @Felix, when all of them tagged will it stop giving us paintings to tag so we not overdo somebody else's work?

                      Sunnylady Every painting can be tagged by multiple people. In the future I will (automatically) go over all the suggestions and combine the different submission.
                      So no worry if you missed something when tagging a painting 🙂

                      10 days later

                      Paintings are now taggable directly from their details page:

                      I've also added a "leaderboard" to the newsfeed-sidebar that shows the five users with the most tagged paintings:

                      Huge thank you to everyone that has been tagging paintings! Especially @Colin Hudson , you've tagged so many paintings that I though I had an error in my code because I didn't believe the number at first 🙂

                      If I cannot draw for toffee then I have to be useful in other ways to pay for the pleasure of looking at everybody's work

                      12 days later

                      How can you see what the tags are on a painting already? I know you can suggest them from the paintings, that's great but it doesn't show me what the existing tags are, or maybe I am looking in the wrong place?
                      Not sure if it came up already, but can we have a tag for the paint type, so if it is a gesso background or gesso and oil, liquid clear etc, (like the rays of golden sunshine one, has gesso required background and gesso for the trees).

                      Hi @Mrs C#1701 - I think that everybody may have a different view on what meets the various criteria. Only having one persons view may hide some paintings from a search, so it may be better to have more than one view of the paintings. For that reason it may be better not to know what other people think? What do you think? I don't mind either way. Reviewing all the wonderful images is great fun. I recommend everybody to have a go. It will may give them a slightly different view when looking at objects.