Isi t possible to differentiate between Snow / Winter Scene and Mountain Snow?

    Felix, is it possible you could add tag - "Hill", "Valley", "Rocks" ? Valley however is something that might be not needed, up to you.

      Also my be weather related tags "Storm", "Clear sky", "Sunset/sunrise", last is not weather though... I did 3 paintings tags and would it be easy to arrange by Alphabet so we can do things quick and efficient way?

        Ahaha, silly me. They are actually in alphabetic order. It turns it is my issue of working with a lot of tables where alphabetic order always vertical. Sorry Felix, no issues with Alphabet.

          All the categories from the statistic analysis fivethirty here maybe?

            Felix - have you thought about people doing their own tabs on all new images?

              Fantastic suggestions, thanks guys!

              I've took the page down for now and will make some more improvements in the coming days.

              Felix Hi you are doing a fantastic job with this web site, that being said is it possible to include orientation, landscape vs portrait? thanks for the opportunity for us all to share in the great job you are doing.

              Hi Felix, Good idea. Another thing I've noticed is that some of the pictures are not representative of the painting concerned. A good example is S7E4 'Mountain Cabin' where the picture shown is only 10% or less of the beautiful total scenery in the whole painting. Just based on that picture, I wouldn't have given it a second look. S7E1 'Winter Cabin' is another example. While your tagging is underway, is this something that could be looked at please - if not done already.

                DaveJ I think it is great idea, to have option to add better screenshot of the Bob,s painting if the current one is partial. Because anyway we will be scrolling through the video to identify if there are extra things. Taking screenshot and trimming it will not add much time and effort.

                  These partial shots were the best one I could get from the YouTube videos. Sometimes they aren't showing the full painting at the end, so it's either an unfinished shot or a partial one.

                  Felix I agree there. I watched so many episodes already and it happens frequently that the entire painting isn't shown.
                  With the end credits, the painting shown can even differ somewhat from what Bob actually painted. Then they took another version of his three painted creations per episode.

                    Felix I don't know if there's a copyright dimension to this, but we could photograph the versions from the books in cases where a complete version was not available on the TV program.

                    20 days later

                    Felix thank you so much for all the work you put into this site. I love being a member and love that there are other Bob fans who I can learn tips and tricks from. I am a huge BR fan myself and fairly new to painting so I'm really enjoying this new experience!

                    Hi Felix, Is the picture tagging still in development? No rush because when it is done it will be the best addition to this web site, thanks to you......

                      Dellajoy thank you for the kind words! 😊

                      BStonebridge I've taken a few days off work (my real job, not working on this website 😉) and plan to finish the feature this week or on the weekend. Since Vienna is in total lockdown there isn't anything else to do, so (hopefully) no distractions

                      LJMpaintings I'm always interested in Bill Alexander compositions, but he's pretty obscure and not a lot of his TV work is readily accessible. My suspicion is some of his episodes were taped over, as was common in the '60s into the '70s. I've e-mailed both KOCE and Alexander Art and never got a reply. Although Alexander Art always takes my money. 😁

                      6 days later

                      The programming is done, I only need to add the different categories. This is what I came up with:

                      Anything I missed? Or something that could be removed?