Hi friends!

As mentioned some time ago I have added a system to add specific tags to paintings from the "Joy of Painting" TV show, such as "Waterfall", "Snow / Winter", "Desert Scene" or "Knife Only".

This will allow me to create a more detailed search function for the paintings as well as more specific challenges. (I know you all love the challenges 😉 )

But with over 400 paintings to tag, I can't do it alone.

That's why I'm asking for your help!

How to help

Head over to this page and start tagging. You can also find a link to this page on the right side of your dashboard (when not viewed on a smart phone).

Just select everything you think is appropriate for the painting. After collecting all these suggestions for a while I'll go through them and check which ones were selected the most.

Please take your time and check the YouTube video below the form as well, so we don't miss out on anything that isn't shown in the picture. Like if it's done by a guest painter, with a knife only, or if it has an underpainting.

The page for this is not optimized for mobile, so it's best to do it on your computer. Sorry smart phone guys!

Missing Tags

If you think there are tags or subjects missing just let me know here and I'll add them!

Thank you all for your help!

Of course, everyone who is participating will receive a special profile badge as well 😉

Fantastic idea! Thanks

    Might be nice to have a link on the main page of that painting to take you to the tag page, if that isn't alot of work. Then after viewing the video, we can go right to the tag page.

    Maybe a liquid clear tag would be helpful.
    I also came across Cypress Swamp - there is a bird on this painting and I feel like maybe we could use a tag for "unusual objects" but I'm not sure how to define it properly.

    This is a great idea!
    Perhaps these would be useful tags?

    Seascape (More general than ocean or beach or wave)
    Tape Design (Like "Dimensions")

    I would suggest tags:
    hills (or foothills) for the paintings that have distinct foothills
    clouds (so that we can differentiate paintings according to what the sky looks like)

    When I tried to tag paintings it just gave me random paintings to tag, can I choose which painting to tag?
    And maybe it would be easier if tags were split into groups (for instance - first general tags, like winter/desert/seascape/forest scene, then specifics, like river/lake/waterfall or evergreens/trees)

    Great idea, I'm happy that you're always trying to improve the webpage. Thanks 🙂

    Have you considered tags for Stormy or Spectacular Sky?

      Isi t possible to differentiate between Snow / Winter Scene and Mountain Snow?

        Felix, is it possible you could add tag - "Hill", "Valley", "Rocks" ? Valley however is something that might be not needed, up to you.

          Also my be weather related tags "Storm", "Clear sky", "Sunset/sunrise", last is not weather though... I did 3 paintings tags and would it be easy to arrange by Alphabet so we can do things quick and efficient way?

            Ahaha, silly me. They are actually in alphabetic order. It turns it is my issue of working with a lot of tables where alphabetic order always vertical. Sorry Felix, no issues with Alphabet.

              All the categories from the statistic analysis fivethirty here maybe?

                Felix - have you thought about people doing their own tabs on all new images?

                  Fantastic suggestions, thanks guys!

                  I've took the page down for now and will make some more improvements in the coming days.

                  Felix Hi you are doing a fantastic job with this web site, that being said is it possible to include orientation, landscape vs portrait? thanks for the opportunity for us all to share in the great job you are doing.