Everyone of us has paintings where nothing goes right. This is the place to share all those mistakes and failures.
Maybe another painter struggled with the same things and has just the right tip to help you. Or you're just feeling discouraged and need to know that everyone struggles sometimes. 😊
I'll start:
After seeing some great tonalist paintings by @pathunt92 I've decided to give the style ago with the help of YouTuber Stuart Davies and this video: https://youtu.be/5jffJeeXaVQ
And here is my "masterpiece":
I did everything wrong that you can do wrong. I've used a very small canvas when you need a large board. Instead of the proper sky color I've used some kind of green mix and got discouraged super fast and tossed it. Wasn't as easy as it looks in the video at all!
I'll probably get the right board it paint on in the future and give it another to.