Hey all, I’m Jess, 33 years old, I’ve been painting with Bob on and off for about 10 years. I’m a chef by day. I live just outside a tiny little island in the southeast. I started a project recently, honestly to deal with my depression; it’s giving me something to focus on and look forward to every day.

I’m currently working through the Bob Ross series on mini (3x3) canvasses! Once that is done, I glue them to miniature easels with a tag and place them out in my tourist town (Hilton Head Island). I’ve also mailed a few to Atlanta and set a couple out around Macon, I have 4 headed to Oregon. I made an Instagram page to document the journey, @happylittletreeshhi.

So far, I’ve painted 20 pictures, planted 11, and had 5 people contact me saying they found one. They as far as Venezuela and as near as Georgia!

This is an exercise in object permanence for me, personally. I tend to hoard my own art (I’ve been painting for a long time with bob but this is the first time I’ve ever attempted to do the series.

Anyway, If you’d like to join in, drop me a line, I would love to see where you place your shared art and who finds it!!

This is such a nice project!

Your sentence about object permanence really speaks to me. I also have a hard time giving stuff away or even getting rid of practice pieces. I think the impermanence of your project really adds a whole new layer of beauty to the paintings. You create them well knowing that you will not get to enjoy them for long but send them out in the world to bring joy to others.

Blimey Jess, I'd love to see some of your work. I'm into all things miniature, mostly dolls houses and furniture in 1/12 scale. Your 3x3 paintings would work perfectly over a fireplace my houses. How do you manage to get them so small? Not with a two inch brush I guess! Are you actually using the wet on wet technique for these tiny works of art? Can you put some pics up? I am intrigued. It's very clever of you to make your hobby items tiny. The problem with hobbies is unless you can find an outlet for your work you end up with a mountain of it. I've sold a couple and given a few away to family. I sometimes wonder if they get them out of the shed and shove them on the wall when they know I'm due to visit! Welcome by the way. I think you will like the community here.

TheLandscapePainter I’ve posted one on every season 1 and most of season 2! I use toothpicks and detail brushes. There are time lapses on my Instagram, @happylittletreeshhi! I’ve been painting with bob for a long time but always the bigger paintings. It’s really nice to do the small ones and finish in like an hour!

    happylittletreeshhi I take my hat off to you Jess. I appreciate how difficult it must be to get the results you are getting working at that size. I tried to do one for my dolls house and my felt tip pen method did not have the desired effect. lol.

    5 days later

    anothermohammad May be garage sale? to compensate for paints and materials at least? And what is not sold you can donate to charity.

      5 days later

      anothermohammad there’s a whole group on Facebook dedicated to abandoning art; it’s public and is called art abandonment, check it out for tips! I live on an island, during busy season If I put them out they’re gone immediately. Off season might take a day or two.

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