5 days later

Be nice to see how many votes we all get, I’ll be happy with even one I think.
the standard or art in this event is incredible, so many amazing painters so much experience and lots of diversity too.

@Mrs C#1408 You definitely got more than one, that I can tell πŸ˜‰

I agree, some fantastic submission in this one! Anyone got an idea for the next event?

Felix What about a "mystical" event? Paint something that isn't real, like a dragon, or unicorn, aliens, zombies, there's lots of possibility there.

Once I drew hedgehog and it turned to be a creature from the other universe πŸ™‚ I am up for that kind of challenge. I want to paint a dragon but never tried.
As for the ideas:
1)Lets paint something upside down. It could be a photo, screenshot of Bob's episode. But reference and painting should be oriented upside down when in process of painting. This will be liberating experience and the result will be processed by brain differently.

2)or lets do self portrait from looking in the mirror while painting. Imagine that is a great adventure for the landscape painters.

Felix one more idea - To follow Bob Ross on mute and episode that has not been yet watched before at all. Thanks to Youtube that allows to track what has and what has not been watched. It would be allowed to pause the video as many times as needed but without any sound.

One more idea: using Zorn pallet of just 4 colors to paint something. Landscape, still life, portrait. This will improve skill of color mixing and color interactions in the painting.

Congrats to @Boof , @parksd02 and @Lilikins for the top 3 submissions!

Boof's "Xena Warrior Kitty": https://www.twoinchbrush.com/originals/Boof/xena-warrior-kitty-1
parksd02's "Evergreens and Lavender at Dawn": https://www.twoinchbrush.com/originals/parksd02/evergreens-and-lavender-at-dawn
Lilikins' "Grapes of Wrath": https://www.twoinchbrush.com/originals/Lilikins/still-life-fruit (Congrats to the second top submission)

The quality of submissions was very high for this event, and we've seen some painters really push their boundaries. Well done everybody! πŸ™‚

parksd02. Clarification: An event featuring a painting of a famous painting would be awesome. As Bob would say, "Here's your bravery test." 😊

Congratulations to the winners! Well done!

    Sunnylady Thats pretty much how i paint anyway, either that or with just the image as reference, we cant access all videos here in the UK and if hubbys watching tv and im painting I cant hear both (def harder without hearing him describing what he's doing)

    Felix, thankyou for setting this up, really enjoyed the challenge!
    Congrats to the winners, in fact everyone deserves a well done, fabulous entires!

    @Mrs C#1438 super interesting. I never tried, but I would never think that other people do it very often! this is great to learn something new today!

      Oh wow! Thanks to Felix and everyone who voted and participated. I love these challenges because it pushes us out of our comfort zone. There were so many great submissions. Congrats to all!

      Congratulations winners. These events are so fun. I might have to try it next time. Thank you again Felix, this website rocks!!!

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