I was just wondering what people thought about the paintings done within shapes made by contact paper masking off the border of the canvas. Usually ovals, but other shapes as well. Do most people still like them, or are they seen as a little outdated? I like they way they look, but worry that people might think of them as a little bit 70's, like leisure suits, shagpile carpet, or fake wood panelling on cars. So what does everyone think, are they still fashionable? For those of you who have painted them, were they well received?
Contact paper oval paintings
I think they probably appeal to " Those of a certain age", the only contact paper project i have done was the window one. Think it was called triple view?
I like them but to answer your question, to me, ovals with outbreak elements do have the 70s look but the few I've done have been well received and there is a 70s fashion revival going on right now. You have to remember that art is appreciated going back centuries and what might not be one person's cuppa tea brings someone else great joy. Can't please all the people all the time. Just do what makes you happy.
Personally, I think it does look a little bit outdated. However, I also think you should paint what you like and not what others like. Furthermore, I like to add that I believe style generally comes in cycles, popularity of the bordered canvases might make their big comeback soon, who knows. Have fun!
Paul Ranson's most recent video showed him using a canvas on which he had masked off the left side in the shape of one of his palettes. It looked pretty good.
If it is on a nice, crisp white canvas I don't think it looks too retro, but I'm pretty sure I've seen an episode where Bob suggested painting the canvas beige or a pastel colour first. I think that would really date it.
I can agree with the outdated look of ovals. They do have their place at times. But I am also a little tired of them. So I tried to be creative with cutouts instead. I have done a puzzle like border with contact paper on Ebb Tide (S19E9), snowflake design for Cabin in the hollow (S31E5), the number “100” for my hundredth painting -> Forest Down Oval (S15E10), a thinking bubble for Trapper’s Retreat (S32E4), a Bob Ross face for Autumn Images (S22E1). And don’t forget we can do a variety of windows.