@Felix would it be possible to change my username on the site to LadyGalaga ? I created my twoinbrush account before i became known as LadyGalaga everywhere else and i'd like to make the change here to avoid confusion. thank you so much for your work on the site!
name change
Sure, I'll look into it this weekend
thank you so much!
@LadyGalaga All done!
How’s that for service? You run a great site Felix!
Cronenberg89 Thank you!
Felix thank you so much!!
10 days later
2 months later
Felix, I would have the same request as my friend Jessie… any chance you could change my username to “NTZ Art”? I am in the process of starting my business and that is the name I am using on everything. I would appreciate it so much. Thank you in advance!
Yeah sure, I'll get to it somewhen in the next days
13 days later