So what matters most to you when painting ?... is it the process or the result?. Maybe they are equally important and enjoying the process isn't fulfilling enough unless the end result is what you had envisioned?
It's always nice to step back after finishing a new canvas and feeling like you achieved something good but was that the reason you started it or do you get more pleasure from the process?
Let's face it painting can be frustrating at times can't it?. Personally the two things are probably 60%/ 40% in favour of the process as i don't sell or even gift paintings due mainly to lack of self confidence.
Apologies if this is something discussed in a previous thread... Peace and love
What's more important?
For me, it's absolutely about the process. More specifically, it is the act of painting, of making that physical document, that is important to me. It proves, to my own self, that I exist in time. Of course, I try to do a good job technically and am pleased when things turn out well, but that satisfaction is secondary to me.
when I did that first follow-along with Bob, after coming home from Michaels with that hodge-podge of mismatched supplies, it was all about the process. The experience of trying something new was exciting.
Then I think something clicked in me after showing friends/family that first painting. Even though I know friends and family aren't unbiased, I was still exhilarated by the praise it received. I think, I began chasing that feeling. I need to get back to painting for the process and worry less about the end result.
I believe it's an unending tug-of-war between the two, and striking that balance between 'the joy of painting' and the joy of a satisfying product is the goal.
Thanks for your input Dracula and Jeffth, two interesting viewpoints
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Interesting question and pushes to look inside of me.
I think I am after the end product even I do not sell my paintings.
when something goes south in painting it is frustrating and stopping the frustration raise is important to me because then I do not enjoy the process. I also rarely can say that I catch the joy coz I get absorbed in the time and painting action and the puzzles it gives. When I am done I look at the painting and come to realize that the process was enjoyable, even when the final product has its flaws. That is the reason I am doing many breaks and walk away from the painting to learn to understand that joy the process gives me.
My end product is never what I envision in the beginning no matter how hard I try to do the sketches, but it should meet a criteria to be okay or just pleasant for me to look at it.
not sure if it makes any sense to you all, just my thoughts and feelings.
Ditto on your closing remark Sunny, my paintings rarely finish up as the grand masterpiece i envision but i can usually look at them with a sense of satisfaction
For me it is like what Bob says in several episodes, which is along the lines of: "I hope you are plagued by dissatisfaction all your life because that'll make you try again and make it better next time".
It is both the process of mastering the techniques (whatever technique I might be using that time), trying to get what I have in mind on that canvas and, yes, the end result.
The whole process is more enjoyable if the end result is halfway decent, especially when I've learned/discovered something new along the way.