Speaking of Anthony Burgess ... 'A clockwork orange' ... I never felt more' being normal' then to be shocked when I first saw that movie, like 87,53% of the audience did. Shock was highly tempered though by that wonderful, lovely fake blond nymph (Virginia Wetherell) that stripped for Alex to test his psychological strengths and weaknesses. At my young age, it was the most beautiful creature I had met so far in life!
Speaking of creatures ... my mother's favourite was Beathoven ... at least I pronounced his name then like I just wrote it .... and she had all his symphonies on vinyl They all became part of my inheritance together with lots of opera records and French chansonniers. The latter being a poisoned gift but since those creatures are worth a lot of money, I still save those for future selling!
Speaking of mothers ... I only visited the Canadian side of the falls in Niagara and can second it that that side is indeed the nicer one. I only spent three days near Toronto, since I was doing flight inspections at that time for KLM. I flew up to 25 times a month in those days, seeing asterisks before the eyes ! Sigh!
Speaking of asterisks ... being a Trekkie since 1971, I was completely excited about space and everything related!
At the age of 8, my dream was to become a jet pilot. At the age of 9, that dream was destroyed by becoming nearsighted. Glasses were not allowed in a cockpit in those days. By the time they were allowed, I already knew I was a failure in mathematics. So if I had to fly to Barcelona, I might've ended up in Moscou! So I have 1670 flight hours on my conto .... as a passenger only! Double sigh!
Speaking of .... I should be silent now, the fourth chapter of this novel is about to reach its end .... or is it its climax?