Ian_Adkins True, also Canada has a seperated-by-languages part of the country. I've only been to Vancouver, Calgary, Toronto and Niagara. I was never very happy in Canada but probably that was because half of India seems to run Canada.
Napoleon, brilliant in many things, rash and dumb on other things. His 'war-happy' attitude costed millions dearly yet besides his defeats (Waterloo, Belgium his worst), he is also known for what he'd introduced to us.
Metric system, traffic rules (we drive on the right side since Nap.), the Code Napoleon ... to mention a few but my favourite is the obligation for choosing a family name. In Belgium, we took that serious but in Holland, they thought that was a joke so they still have the most weird and comical familynames of the entire world.
One final anecdote about Nap. would be that the third symphony of Ludwig Von, was named 'Bonaparte' first, as a tribute to the french general, but when Beethoven heard that he had crowned himself emperor, he was so angry that he immediately renamed his masterpiece (Eroïca).
To mention something personal .... I have a french first name and a Dutch family name yet luckily it's a name that existed already way before Napoleon. The name was only briefly famous in Holland in the early 17th century because of a certain lensmaker that provided Galileo Galilei with his lenses for his telescope (a Dutch invention by the way).
Would that forefather be the reason that I am an amateur astronomer (amongst many other hobbies) and hold two degrees in astronomy (solar system and deep space)?