This is my second attempt at a seascape. I do plan to redo this painting one day because I fell into the "mud mixing" trap with the water flowing over the rocks... Any additional constructive criticism would be appreciated!
Love the purple and turquoise!
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Great job done here! Seascapes are a bit of a challenge, but with practice they get better and better.
If you need to paint water on top of the stones without mud mixing there are two ways:
1. Keep it to the very last thing. Let the painting to dry fully. Apply water on rocks on dry. Good thing about this approach - if you mess up you take a soft napkin and wipe it away and start over.
2. While painting is wet. You need to dilute your water color with linseed oil to apply on top of the thick paint. This follows the rule fat over lean. Lean in this case is paint from tube, and fat the one diluted with oil. Thinning paint with paint thinner will not work as it will be cutting through the rock because of thinner and creating mud.
Generally seascapes are about perspective. This is why Bob does some kind of drawing often. To help with understanding wave you need to imagine that wave is a hollow cylinder. You can use the insert from toilet paper as a model and tilt it and put it in the same angle as your wave supposed to be. It will help to understand oval shape that needs to be put in the painting with selected angle of your wave.
There is a good theoretical lesson from Bob’s friend - episode is called Anatomy of wave. If you check paintings of that artist online you will be impressed.