On budget canvasboard 24x30 cm. Highlighting even the background of the trees and putting in a very fat tree trunk with the knife, well I did it with a brush, were new to me. Learned again (from Bob) to see that dissatisfaction with some weaker parts of the painting is a blessing.
And are those darker parts the mountain base color?
Really nice! Just love the mountains, they look real!
Your mountains are always fabulous!
Wonderful depth with those mountain ridges from front to back!
Thanks Alex, Matt, Sandy, Pam and Larson.
Alex: did the mountain in the colors Bob uses:
background mountain:
basic: black, pr.blue, white
snow: white and basic color
shadow: basic color
Foreground mountain:
basic: black and pr,blue
snow: white
shadow: pt. blue and white.
The darker parts are the basic mountain color.
I tried as much as possible to apply the highligts in one stroke, loading again and the next stroke and so on.
You mastered your mountains! They look awesomely done!
Powerful mountains.
Thank you Sunnylady and lightsnow.
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Pretty realistic mountains. Did you just keep going back and forth with the highlights and shadows?