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Country Creek

Kaylee 17 Aug 2021

I was really excited about how dense this one was, it reminded me of my home trails. It also gave me some ideas for my next painting! Super fun! I am not sure about the sky, it’s a little off but it still makes me smile!



Mgiese84 Cleanest Technique In The Game

Wonderful evergreens especially

Thank you Matt! I go back and forth on upward pushing and downward pushing with the fan brush. I thought I made some ugly versions of the downward pushing fan brush so I took a long break from them .. after giving it another chance on this painting, I think I figured out where I was having issue and may have had a breakthrough. I am humbled you noticed my hard work! Next on the struggle list is the 2 inch highlight on the closest trees. That is my next hurdle. I can’t quite get the brush to do what I want and it comes off as huge boobs of paint.. maybe the thickness is playing in part, or the angle of the brush, or the amount of pint on the brush... whatever it is - that’s next to tackle

Blobs* of paint 😂

Mgiese84 Cleanest Technique In The Game

Instead of the 2" brush for the highlights try the 1" or 1/2 size round. I think those are much easier to control when it comes to the highlighting part. Heck sometimes I even use the oval brush to get those leaves to look like they are hanging down.

Thank you Matt! I will give that a go next time!!

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