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Blue Moon

paintcrazy19 08 Aug 2021

Blue moon done in acrylic paints liquitex basic transparent mixing white, phthalo green, phthalo blue, mars black, burnt sienna, Prussian blue also Meeden cerulean blue, cobalt blue, blue grey and golden artist colors alizarin crimson, van dyke brown. I just Ed purchased a flesh ochre color that looks like sand and decided to use it in this painting.
First I did the sky with Mars black and Prussian blue then white with cerulean blue for the light area and the moon.
After I did the clouds with the fan brush as much as possible like Bob
I then did brown mountains in the back with van dyke brown and a little touch of burnt sienna and white
I lay out the ocean colours cerulean blue, blue grey and the white used them to create my Caribbean Ocean
I painted in rocks using van dyke brown and blue grays and highlighted them with burnt sienna.
I used the same colours mentioned above to do the land and I added the flesh ochre on top of it.
I used the same colors to do the grassy colors in the front area and on the palm trees with a touch of van dyke brown
I created the palm leaves using like Bob alizarin crimson and phthalo green with a touch of who then I highlighted them with white, they didn’t come out the way I wanted but happy accident and love them.



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