I’ve been itchin to do this scene for a while to get a break from all the massive mountains and vast landscapes lol. I was surprised honestly by how fast I was able to knock this one out- under an hour, which is pretty rare for me! I’ll be honest, some of the past few paintings I haven’t been 100% super happy with, but this is one I can confidently say i’m entirely happy with. There’s not a single thing I’d change about it! The mist, the branches, the grass, the waterline- everything I’m completely happy with. Sorry Bob, I know you always said you wanted us to be plagued with dissatisfaction, but maybe just this one I’m 100% happy with. I’m sure by tomorrow though, I’ll have walked by it enough times and nitpick something- that’s the life as an artist for you! haha
I’m very happy to see you trying new styles, and visibly, suceeding at it. I just did a smaller but similar piece as this one recently, Hidden Creek I think? Anyway, love those misty forests, and I am certain you will keep growing as an artist. Always a pleasure seeing your creations.
Oh! And I do the same thing about finding faults in my art - but in a sense, by analysing our previous work, is exactly how we get better as time goes. If we learn from our mistakes.
This is lovely. I have problems differentiating between all the different elements when using primarily the same colour, so very well done. Your foreground trees are fabulous, did you use the 1 inch?
Yes I did TLP! I’ve never been too good at using the two inch brush for tree highlights, so I stuck with the one inch for all of this. I only really used the two inch to block out the dark color.
Gorgeous! Well done!
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Well I can see why you're completely happy with this one. Beautiful painting!