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High Tide

dracula 24 Jul 2021

I think I kind of deviated a little bit from the original, but I had a good time doing it.



Pietro1963 Master of Monsters

Man Drac!!!This is a beauty!!!Wave is superb,reflections gorgeous,shoreline is on point..Love it!

Thank you for sharing!! Nice soft foam, the far right side foam along the crest, did you use a filbert or soft bristle type, if I may ask. Has the old maritime feeling to it.

MHK Helpful Friendly User

WOW, this is really great. Love equally the sky, the ocean and palm trees. Really well done

I tried this one recently but found it too bad to upload. This one is gorgious, the foam is very realistic I do a retry because I love the colors

The colors, waves and reflections are beautiful!

dracula Power Painter

Thank you all; I am glad to hear you enjoy this painting. I have found myself looking forward to seascapes more than I would have expected.

@Midnite Painter - I do tend to use a lit of filbert brushes in my paintings generally and this one is non exception, however, the foamy bits in this painting were largely accomplished with the corner of the large fan brush, which I just happened to have in my hand at the time. I'm pretty sure I also GENTLY softened in some mist with a small mop brush, which is basically just a small, round blender-type of brush.

I love this version! Did you use pallet knife on the foam at all?

dracula Power Painter

@KarenKEY - you know, I don't think I used the palette knife anywhere in this painting, except for mixing colors, of course!

paintingblondie The Queen of Cuties

This painting is stunning! The waves are so realistic and love the beach waterline!

dracula Power Painter

@paintingblondie - thank you so much, I appreciate that! This painting is one of my favorite Bob Ross compositions that I've attempted recently.

Wow, I love this one. it looks so wet on the shore.

You absolutely nailed that wave.. really great

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