Inspired by Bob’s painting.
I was investigating relation between mass and form in landscape. This is something I never thought before till I had a recent online lesson about composition. Many things are unclear still.
Since it is on canvas panel some colors already sank(?) or May be this is the result of painting at artificial lighting and looking at it at natural light. I will see if varnish brings colors up again.
Colors: cobalt blue, Phtalo blue, rose madder, cad red, cad yellow, yellow ochre, phtalo green, sap green, van dyke brown.
A4 size, oil on canvas panel.
@ForestVueGallery - thank you very much for visiting! I am glad that variety of green was successful and nice yellowish green created for the color of bright sunlit leaves. Since this is just an A4 size every brushstroke on photo looks huge in proportion to the painting.
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That sounds like a really good lesson. I like the effect of the heavy paint creating form. The yellows in the leaves create a very inviting opening to the valley and mountains, and I like the varied shades of color.