I decided to call this one “Gondor calls for aid”. I tried using the oval brush for the trees, didn’t work, so used fan brush instead. This painting felt very challenging, but I really like the end product. Surprised by how good my little Gondor watchman looked, checking out the mountaintop beacon, ready to ignite his.
Super cool ! I always like seeing the Bob Ross style applied to far away lands. 😎❤️👍
Thanks Alex_Ander! I think this is my new favorite, and I can’t believe that I did that. The Joy of Painting really is magic!
Great job. Love your story about the painting.
This is soooo cool SSD! The watchman came out great so did the banner and the fire on the mountain top. Great job
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Really like the background trees with the white at the base. I also enjoy the fact that you have some snow on the left but grass on the right. It's as if there was a late-season snow storm or maybe the snow piled up higher on the left. Nice job on the mountains, too, blending depth and details.