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Winding Stream

Kaylee 28 May 2021

I decided to go with the stream on this one and I was pleasantly surprised by how it turned out!



Thats a great painting

Fantastic painting...everything about it. Is this your first one?

Jumó ASHA- thank you so much!!! I started painting after I broke my ankle in February 2021, but this is about number 25-30 ( I haven’t really been counting ) I absolutely love the process so much and have been encouraged to start sharing them more!

Autocorrect ? Thanks Alex, and Jimibasha

Love it! It’s beautiful!

Well, hopefully, your ankle is all healed and you're dancing while painting. 🙂

This is a great painting. Everything about it is great. I especially like your rocks and trees. Typically what jumps out to me is what I struggle with. Your rocks are perfectly shaped and colored.

Thank you, everyone! Such kindness!

This is gorgeous! Your stream is amazing!

Smooth painting. Very nice.

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