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Quiet Pond

HappyLittleAnna 10 Mar 2021

#4 I still have no idea what I'm doing but the process is getting more fun with every painting!



That pond is so bright!! 🤩

keep on doing what you're doing....having FUN!!!! painting is good

Whatever you are doing - it's working! Beautiful painting.

Very beautiful
I haven't seen the episode of this painting yet and in new to painting in general. Do you need a steady hand for the tree in the front? Only painted evergreens before so i was just wondering 😊

Sander02 Bob always says that when painting trees or branches it's good to have a nervous twich in your hand 😉

Sander02 my hand was shaking like crazy so there's a few more of these branches than I planned ;) but that was my first bare tree so maybe the next time it will be easier! Good luck with your paintings!

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