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Back to Original


moai 23 Feb 2021

Painted on a 20 x 16 canvas. I decided to try this one again, but this time in oils. I used only five colors liquid white, Cad Yellow, Alizarin Crimson, Pthalo Blue, and Sap Green. I also have a jar of a bunch of paint mixed together to make a gray/brown/purple. This turned out better than my first try. I had trouble making a sand color with no Titanium White, so I made the beach greener. I used all of my crimson except for enough for signatures in this painting and almost all of my yellow. Not sure what I can paint with only blue, green, a mud mix, liwuid white, and a very small amount of yellow.



Actually for me I see a river running through fields, the original may have been sand but you can certainly change colours around.
I see a lot of beauty in this, from the green clouds to the nightlight on the trees.
This is unique, I’d hang it in my house!

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