5th painting. As much as I watched this video, I sure screwed it up. Left tree needs to be fatter, fence needs to be bigger. Right side tree is wrong color....it all went wrong..LOL...but I had a nice afternoon trying and Hubby likes it, LOL....maybe it will look better tomorrow. No matter how much paint I put in the fan brush, I never achieved a chiseled brush...what did I do wrong???
Maybe your fan brush is out of shape already. Don't throw it away though. It is perfect to make clouds as this brush when destroyed more gets more character and makes unintended things thus making more natural clouds. I suggest to get synthetic flat brush with stiff bristles and use it instead for evergreens. Synthetic are supposed to be cheaper and survive a bit longer. There are synthetics that fully imitate bristles and they are very stiff.
However i need to note that with your brush you achieved nice and misty effect due to blurred edges on the evergreens.
Check this out - https://www.twoinchbrush.com/fanpaintings/5978 evergreens are made with flat brush. Approach is pretty much the same, just hold brush perpendicular to the canvas so it has a chisel edge and do a Z-tree.
Sunnylady, sorry, I should have mentioned it was a brand new, just out of the package #3 Bob brush, just got it....guess that is why it upset me so
Painting is awesome Sunnylady....thank you for the tip
hm...that is upsetting indeed that brush is new... may be you needed to add a drop of liquid white to your TW for highlights?
nope, it was when I was trying to put the dark on for the trees...gonna try again today and just play
For your 5th painting this is a great job and I think your pines look fine. What I see is that it’s snowing or misty which mutes the darkness in distant pines. I like your natural looking tree limb work also.
This article posted by Dracula helped me a lot with pines: https://www.twoinchbrush.com/articles/evergreens
I sometimes use the tip of a filbert to create them too.
thanks for the comment ForestVue, i read that article now....just need to put it to use, thanks for the suggestion!!!
You are welcome! Happy painting 🧑🎨
The softness of your pine trees is quite nice.
Nice work
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