My first cabin painted! Later in the day after I painted the trees I added a few more highlights. Hopefully the next cabin painting will be even better :) it's a 20 x 16 canvas so had some issues with the trees with no fan brush. Now my fan brush has arrived. But I think it ended up ok.
Sbowen, thanks so much!
Birches show gigantic against that cabin! VERY nice blueish highlight on those evergreens.
@Voy Kay I like the razor sharp birch bark on the trees created by my new tools. Trees to me are just teeny tiny compared to BC'S trees. Little cabin gives trees a new perspective.
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Love this! I did this one too, just haven’t uploaded it yet. It was a fun one. Your trees are spectacular. Your cabin is awesome too. I found that to be the most difficult but you pulled it off. Beautiful painting 💕