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Winter's Grace

J.D 25 Dec 2020

Here is my idea of winter grace. We all see the world through different eyes.



This is crying out to be done in vignette JD.

I will attempt it. Thank u sir

I'm a lady!

Sorry Madame. Serves me well for making assumptions. With the most respect I apologize

What? No wine, chocolates and flowers? Happy painting JD, merry Christmas.

How wonderful this is!!

Thank u so much Hado Hagen

Landscapepainter sending many roses wine and chocolates as well a lot of admiration because ur paintings are amazing. Lots of respect


Voy Kay Conqueror of Challenges

This is one great creation! My compliments!

PS: .... I think TLP should share those chocolates!! 😋

Lol thanks Voy

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