Snow Birch is a test of your liner brush work! I always passed this painting up because I thought it would be difficult. I didn't realize a lot of it was acrylic work. I'm pleased with the results overall. Another member was commenting on the use of high quality gesso when doing this painting. I agree. I didn't have white gesso. I used Liquitex acrylic, but had to go over all of the foreground trees twice to make them look correct. This is a fun painting! Over the acrylics I used Ross oils on a 16 X 20 canvas.
Thanks wybnormal! Love the pun and enjoyed the painting!
Love this !! watched the Bob Ross video but i do not understand how, when he adds the colours , they colour the white gesso but do not show at all on the black ?? sorry if this is a stupid question but I am a beginneer . Also oil or acrylics ? thank you
So you start with a black canvas or black gesso'ed canvas.. then you add the trees using more gesso but grey and white this time. Or black and white acrylic paint mixed for the grey :) would work. Let it all dry.. then paint with your oils.. the colors he uses are transparent so they are more like a "glaze" over the white so they give a tint vs opaque colors.
thank you for that
Thanks Tron! wybnormal explained the transparent paint perfectly! This is a fun painting to do. Definitely oils. It would take a much different technique to try the "glaze" on top with acrylics and I don't think it would give the same affect!
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This is cool.. pun intended :D