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Rivers Peace

Voy Kay 18 Oct 2020

There are three creations from Bob amongst my absolute favourites to paint, but they are very challenging. This is one of those three!
I got a false start when early in the (paint) morning, my oldest cat (10 years and my favourite of our two tomcats) knocked over my paint box and sprayed the floor with brushes, knives, paint, tools etc.... I got really upset and the incident wandered in my head for hours! Was that amongst the reasons for making only an acceptable, yet no highflying painting?

Thoughest part was the foliage, which this time I believe I got about right, the stones and the falls.
This is not an easy one, yet it is a rewarding one when your finished creation can receive some approval and admiration.

Please enjoy and read some articles!

Featured Article Creating dazzling bushes and leaves with black gesso.


I would say you succeeded with the stones and foliage! One of my favorite parts is the white tree trunk in the background. By leaving the base of those trees very dark, emersed in shadow, it really allows that white to pop! My eyes can't help but go back there everytime 😁

Voy Kay Conqueror of Challenges

Dear Vinnie, thank you for cheering and commenting!
The stones were done with a filbert, which was not the best brush to use for this. Today, I finished another Bob Ross recreation and this time, I painted them with a cat tongue brush. That went ten times better!!!
Also I adore those whitened tree trunks, feels like I'm in Italy!

Till next one!

Voy Kay Conqueror of Challenges

So happy with your cheers Tom!

Well, we are in the fall (less garden work) and we are in a new lockdown. Meaning that the missus needs to work from home permanently and thus occupies my office (where I paint) from Tuesdat till Saturday. So I only have three days to paint Bob Ross recreations.
The rest of the days, I need either to draw or paint in the living room (without computer).
A new one (Bob Ross) is being painted right now, so will appear soon. It holds yet another surprise!

Auf wiederhoren!

Interesting to hear about the cat tongue brush. I also have trouble with stones (although I still think yours turned out great) and have never tried anything other than the filbert as that's what Bob always suggests. I'll have to give it a try. Thanks for sharing!

Voy Kay Conqueror of Challenges

Dear Wmehta, the cat tongue is rarely used by Bob and personally, I do not understand why. Filbert is good for straighter lines (trees, waves etc....) but the cat tongue, due to its shape, can produce magic stones.
I will never use anything else for rocks and pebbles, that's a certainty!!!

Voy, this is very complex painting. There are a lot of things happening. You had an adventure while painting, it gives it a story behind. Have a great day!

Voy Kay Conqueror of Challenges

Dear Sunnylady, somehow I regret I did not paint a higher/bigger tree on the left side. That tiny thing in there seems to be lost!

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