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Portrait of Sally


3x3” oil on canvas



Voy Kay Conqueror of Challenges

Mustang Sally!

Felix Creator of

I think it's pretty interesting how you managed to capture the facial features of the original so well that you immediately recognize them as the same person, even though the proportions are a little.. well.. off.

I imagine it's way harder to paint a portrait on your small scale than it is to do landscape paintings. Well done!

That's what I thought Felix, I recognised it immediately. And these little paintings are difficult, I tried and I find them impossible even though I work with miniatures all the time. She has quite a talent.

happylittletreeshhi Tiny Paintings Huge Talent

Thank y’all so much for your kindness, lol. My brushes were far too big for these lines, even though they are detail brushes. I got extremely frustrated with the lack of instruction but was caught up with watching such a master create a human form from nothing.

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