8x6 acrylic on canvas , not as fun as I thought it would be.
Thank you for your kindness.
I did not realize till now that this is such a tiny size in addition to using acrylics... That was surely a challenge you overtook!
Unfortunately, oils is not an option for me at this point.
I yeah, oils with all the solvents are smelly and can cause allergic reactions. It is tough to accommodate them during lockdown.
I cannot give any advice for flowers in acrylics I have only few of them in my experience.
I know that Kevin Hill also paints landscapes and sometimes flowers with acrylics. You may take a look at his you tube channel if you like. (Search for gray color pallet videos).
Many people here do awesome acrylics paintings, just keep an eye, they have wonderful advice and tricks. Everything is possible no matter what the media is. Most important factor is artist choice of the favorite one.
Thank you for the advice, I really appreciate them, I will keep them in mind the next time I venture into flower painting.
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Result is great though. The pot reflection really make this creation shine!