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Just Before the Storm

Morganjbiddle 18 Jul 2020

This was my first seascape :-) I’ve only painted one other Bob Ross tutorial so this was my second. A couple things about it: I didn’t do the oval with the contact paper because I didn’t have any contact paper and also lacked confidence that I could even cut a decent oval with contact paper. Another thing is that I know there’s not enough blue in the sky or green in the water. This was my first time working with a black canvas, and I couldn’t tell how much paint I was putting on top of the black. Now I know I should add a lot more than I think I need. It also does look a lot more blue in person, the lighting in my kitchen is bad. I do kind of like how monochromatic it looks though. I really like the stormy feeling of this painting. The things I know I need to work on are my clouds, and the waves. The seascape was definitely more challenging than the mountains I painted in the last one. But for my second painting, I’m pretty proud of it. :-) If anyone sees this, I would love some advice on which parts I could do better!!



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