It is the largest I have painted.18 x 24. I made a few adjustments and am a bit happier with it...but I Accidentally deleted the old version and the nice comments from Sunnylady and VoyKay. :(
This one is now hanging in my livingroom.
That's wonderful painting! I think you added layer of misty purplish trees below the distant evergreens? May be it was there before but photo was taken at different light or i just did not notice it before. :)
Mountain is wonderful you got very nice shadows and highlights there and I like how distant it looks.
Good job on the trees and great that you preserved dark color there!
Thank you both... I have good comments again. ;) Yes.. I added more mist. and adjusted the globby tree by adding more dark overtop of highlight. I also adjusted the lower bushes to have a nicer bank to sit on. As I said in my deleted note... I am very critical of my own paintings and only as time passes, I tend to like them better.
Does your family like your paintings? I am sure they do. My family gives me most ideas for improvements. I think they lear things with me.
Happy painting!
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Gosh, wish I remembered all I wrote about this. I cheered your cartoonesk evergreens I think and now, your rocks have improved and show more/better resolution. They are leaning towards the water but that is a good factor, happens in nature too!
Great job LJMP!