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Under Pastel Skies

TheBerg 17 Mar 2020

This was the last one I made before parting from the studio. Frustrated by the mountain, again. I can't believe it never occurred to me that i wasn't priming any of my paintings correctly, i'm anxious to see if that really was the problem with the mountains. This was also my second attempt on this one, first attempt became a mudpit after adding background mountains, which added to my frustration and hiatus.


What do you mean by not priming correctly? Interesting to listen the story behind.
I think your painting has wonderful sky and evergreens!
If you don't mind my 5 cents: I think mountains are very good in the variety of the shapes.
I recently changed my perception of the getting mud. I look at it at the complex color now that allows to do many new things. I think what you call mud in the second mountain is actually great as it lands the mountain to the Earth. For the distant mountain I'd suggest to add purple to that yellow to mud it down that would bring the distance, however be careful that purple is not very dark as it will bring that mountain forward but it should stay in the back.
I am sharing what my teacher told me today about mountain landscape I did 4 days ago and how I messed warm purple color with cold purple color and my distant mountain jumped from the far away distance into the front because of my mistake. The rule is further it is colder the tone and more narrow is value chart. For example take a look at the very dark hill on the closest mountain, it needs to be lighter like that gray on the mountain itself and in fact it progresses further to the right to the lighter value.
I hope no offence taken as I want you to get better and all your painting you posted are very good and I am sure you want more and you want them better, like I want with mine.

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