My first winter scene. I really like how the sun turned out, but I think my distant trees at the base of the mountain could have been a little darker, feels like the painting is almost too light.
Your far away looks great there is a lot of the air between that mountain and the foreground. Not criticizing, just sharing my thought - it feels like background lives it's own life and separate from the middle and foreground. I think it can be explained by absence of purples in the shadows there. Also foreground shadows would be dark enough in this case.
When I observe my own works I always note to myself that I had to stop and THINK not just move forward in some kind of painting euphoria. And I don't know how to implement this in the reality. May be hot tea breaks....
It is very nice painting, very soft overall. You are doing great! Keep going!
Voy Kay and Sunnylady thank you for your input I really appreciate it. I'm super new to the painting scene so any feedback is much appreciated. And I really like the idea about taking a break in the middle.
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Hmmm, cannot agree, painting is just fine with that gorgeous pastel lighting. Distant trees really fit in with that atmosphere created. An A++ painting!!