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Blaze of Color

MHK 27 Feb 2020

With all of the craziness going on in the world right now I felt like a trip to Tuscany hope you enjoy


MHK great mountains transparency that gives air to the painting! Very unusual texture on the grass that partially reminds me about textile and the house on the hill looks to me like very interesting interpretation of still life.

The way you did mountains is something new for you. It is first time they are so light and transparent and full of air. How do you like the change from your usual mountains?

MHK Helpful Friendly User

Funny you point that out ;-) If you see the blue mountain on the left? I dipped my brush into the wrong color lol but I went with the transparent theme anyway.. It was suppose to be green. I had a lot of fun with this one even though I didn't really like how it turned out

Happy accident with the mountain :) I think it did not hurt at all and you can interpret pink as clouds in the far and blue mountain as highest mountain in the picture. Because background is so subtle - there are variations in the interpretation. I'd say this painting overall is much softer than you normally do. I am glad that you had fun with it! Unfortunately not everything we paint we love at the end. this just says we could not resolve technical issues to achieve what we wanted in the painting. So lets keep learning and practicing. May be we can sell something at some point in the future.

MHK Helpful Friendly User

I agree, the best part of painting for me is I do it with my kids, especially my 9 year old daughter ( Daddy's little girl :-)). Spending time with them is what it's all about

That's is so wonderful to have family fun! Enjoy as much as possible, time flies unfortunately.

Voy Kay Conqueror of Challenges

My applauds to you MHK, not only for your painting but for the reason, drive, spirit and motivation behind it. Wonderful!!

dracula Power Painter

I love the colorful distance you created in this painting. Great work!

MHK Helpful Friendly User

Funny you say that as those were my biggest mistakes from what I intended this painting to be ;-).. The orange sky was suppose to be much smaller. The first color ( for me ) didn't work and the blue happened because zi dipped my brush into the wrong color ;-)

But thanks for your kind words

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