Not so any suggestions on how to do trees? Also I'm having troubles with the knife use..any suggestions?
Knife work - watch youtube and try all the different things people do. Something will work for you. We all have different paints and way to hold the knife and pressure to use that knife. Only practice will help. I'd suggest to play with the knife at the stage when you do dark for the foreground. Then use slightly different dark and play in that area with the knife. So you can learn how it behaves. Then scrape it out and apply grass. So in this case you can use your canvas to practice and after removing all that extra paint you still can finish your painting. Dark colors you scarped you can freeze and use for the next painting for the dark areas.
Don't be afraid to invest time. Normally painting takes 2-3 hours for easier ones, but for complex ones it can easily be 5 hours. That is your "ME" time, so spend it enjoying and learning.
Thank you for the advice
Very beautiful colors you used, well done!
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Trees are quite challenging. Leave more dark and don't press very hard for highlights. Brush supposed to be loaded quite a lot as per my understanding for the trees highlights but don't load too much of dark color as you will mix mud in that case. (good example of the mud and no shape is my bubbling stream painting). Also think a bit about the shape of the real tree and where highlights will be. At this moment I think it is better to stop the video and walk away from it for couple of minutes before coming back and doing highlights, don't be afraid to invest more tan 2 minutes in highlights ( we are not at Bob Ross level, we go way slower). It worth doing slow as big trees are normally foreground and that is what is catching attention. Also if you feel you messed it up you can use the knife to scrape it out, wipe with rag carefully, reapply dark color and repeat.