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Silent Forest

Txing 23 Dec 2024

Today I did my first black canvas! I’ll admit, I mixed some mud today but it still turned out ok sort of I think xd

I had a lot of fun with the background, Bob is totally right when he says doing these black canvases is fun, it is a blast!

Learned a few things to carry to the next one (like use less paint next time, as my trees have a ton of paint, and I’m not sure if that was the intended, painting leaves over the trees is crazy hard with this much paint)

Sorry for the glare, I’ll upload two pictures as one is a bit less quality but has less glare (it’s nighttime on my side so did what I could)

Any advice on this let me know!

By the way does anyone know how to tell how much colour we need on top of the liquid clear to get these effects? I did manage to do them, but I winged it on the amount of pthalo blue, sap green and brown. It worked, but would love to know any tips to know, so I don’t screw up in the future



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