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Lonely Retreat

abha 25 May 2023

Enjoyed painting my version of lonely retreat . The hut was difficult to paint. Was not able to paint the texture the way Bob did it. The highlights on the trees could have been better also. I am still learning the technique to hold the brush in such a way so that the texture of the leaves come out well, they don't get merged together.



Good evening abha. I have no expirienxe with Gouache, but for my understanding it is difficult to paint textures with it. Maybe you should try oil paint so it's easier and Bob's technique is based on it.πŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‡©πŸ‡ͺ

Buildings are tough for me to Abha. Keep at it.

To create the texture with Water based Media like Watercolors or Gouache is tough. You can try acrylics they will work much better.
For buildings perspective is important, this will come with time.

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