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Mountain Summit

TalentZero 03 Aug 2019

This was my first oil painting. Took 2½–3 hours total to rewind, pause, etc.

Following Bob's instruction on how to apply liquid white worked well. Went over with clean brush to remove any excess and I didn't worry about it. Reflections were easy to do.

Probably used too much paint when doing sky. Need to practice mountains. Struggled to get good shape and form on foliage as I was fighting a new (to me) medium. Difficulties with mud-mixing seemed to result in one-note foliage.

Supremely enjoyed this and really excited about the next one. Ross oils on canvas.


lightsnow Community Helper

This was also the very first painting I tried and I experienced much of the same difficulties as you did! I used too much paint on the sky and had trouble making the foliage highlights stick. I'm about to hit painting #20 and I can reassure you that with practice, you get better at these things with every painting! Keep up the good work =)

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