First attempt at a building. Coincidentally, also my last attempt at a building. I got my meadow all messed up as far as perspective so I decided I would fix it with an equally messed up river bank. At least this time my mud mixing simulated actual mud. Also would welcome tips for keeping my fan brush bristles straight.
Thank you very much. I just started painting a month ago, so I don’t have a ton of experience to even know what the brushes are supposed to be like. I got two different Bob Ross brand #6 fans and after about three paintings they both seemed to form into more of a C shape. As I am ever-so-slightly improving my technique, it doesn’t present as much of a problem forming the branches of the tree, but making tops and distant trees makes them look like they are just blowing in a gale force wind. I will try loading more paint or maybe actually buying new brushes. Thank you so much!
The BR brushes should work good. I personally never liked the #6 as much as the #3 because it's a little too big for me to get the effects I'm after. And you're very welcome on the tips. Keep on painting. Nothing helps better than practice.
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V, are your fan brushes stiff or flimsy? They need to be stiff to work well for Bob's technique. And they need to be replaced fairly frequently as the bristles will start to separate a bit. Otherwise just be sure you use enough paint and kind of wiggle the brush as you load it with paint. That will help move the paint to the end of the bristles where you need it. Hope that helps.