I really enjoyed painting this one! Definitely gave me a lot of practice with highlights. Might go back and more to light area.
Thank you KASPaint. I scraped the grass off a million times lol! And I so wanted to put a great big tree in there but I panicked 😂
You can always paint it again! I have found myself painting some scenes 2-3 in a row if i really like them and think i can improve something on them. Genuinely love the lay of the land
KASPaint , You did a great job Dana and Bob is sure proud of you.
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The grass and lay of the land is great! I also really love how those red and yellow bushes on the right are.
Some knife painting on those rocks might make them really stand out and give them some texture, which is always fun to touch once it dries. In a painting like this I also imagine bob would do one of his "bravery tests" and throw a big tree or two in the mid-fore ground.
Very good work!